Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 4 Cleaning

This was a cleaning bingo card, I see on here it isn't working. So I guess its just become a list of things to do today. Have a Great Day.

spend 15 mins picking up living room floor
run vaccum
clean off a hotspot in living room
wipe tv sceen and monitor to if it needs it
light a candle
load of laundry
make beds
clean bathroom
clear dining room/kitchen table
sweep kitchen
spend 10 mins in a childs room picking up before it gets majorly outta hand in there (or your room)
pick up and put away 10 things out of place
find one thing you've been "meaning" to do, like unpack a box, or fix a frame..etc
load of laundry
put dishes away that need to be put where they belong
clear off kitchen counter
spend 10 minutes tidying the fridge
spend 15mins on cleaning up computer arrea
load of laundry
spend 15 mins in a room that's screaming for attention
spend 15 minutes in YOUR play area picking up and putting away
find something that need organized and spend 10 mins doing that
pick up 10 things that need thrown away
spend 15 mins on craft table
check all trash and see if it needs empty

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