Friday, March 6, 2009

Posting on My Blog

I have to say I haven't been doing a good job at posting. Why I have no clue!

I have been reading allot and waiting for the warm weather to kick in. It is suppose to be in the 50s and 60s the next 5 days so there will be signs of my plants starting to grow here real soon. I will be starting my veggie plants soon, and I got some seeds for some flowers. I Will Not Buy Any Flowers This Year. For anyone that knows me I'm trying to budget the money and I this is my first steep at doing it by buying seeds. For those that don't know me I would spend about $200 a year on flowers. Way out of budget this year.

The kids are getting all excited because they can go out and play. They were out yesterday and of course came in all muddy, but they had fun and that's the main thing. We are going to go out this weekend and finish picking up the yard I hope as long as it don't rain.

The neighbors got horses and the kids are all excited about it. They will stand there and talk to them. Its funny because you know the horses are like what are you talking about. As long as the kids don't cross the rode there not hurting themselves or the horses is the way I figure it. I'm not looking forward to the smell of the horses this summer. Hopefully they will keep it cleaned up pretty good.

So there is alittle update on us, I hope everyone is doing well and hope to add more to my blog soon. Take Care.


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