Friday, July 11, 2008

Fun in the Sun

Me and the kids gave Niki (Dog) a bath today. Fun Fun. We were more wet then her. LOL Alan is getting the grass cut, it smells so good. Summer can be so much fun if it isn't in the high 80's or 90's and today has been a great day. The kids played in the water and ran around the yard. I hope they are tired and go to bed early (you know this will never happen).

I hope everyone is having a great Summer.


  1. Very pretty dog


  2. Hi Teresa and thanks for saying "hi" on my blog...what a great dog and hope he enjoyed his bath LOL
    Looks like you are having a great summer so far and hope things continue on in the same way!

  3. Hi T!
    I was just reading up on your blog and catchin up on your summer! I am so proud of you Teresa! Your plan this summer was to spend lots of time with our kids and it sounds like you've been doing just that! I am so jealous! Our summer has just whizzed by!

  4. Teresa,
    I'm glad you got this photo of Niki! It's a great one too!

  5. Me to! Miya wants to look at it all the time. I think I'm going to have to get it printed for her.


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