Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Weekend

We spent a relaxing family weekend at are family camp. It was so nice to get away. Here is a picture of my mom, dad, and the 3 youngest kids trying to all fit on the swing. I wish moms eyes were open, but love the picture.

The kids learned a new song that my grandma m. use to sing with me and my brother. It is the Nothing song. I know nothing nothing nothing, I know not a thing at all, I know absolutely nothing, How do you like my nothing song, 2nd verse same as the first. The kids are still singing it, and they got me hooked to. Thanks to my grandma m. my mom also is teaching them to say If I'm kid then your a goat, you stink and I don't. If we say kids be good or quiet there suppose to say it to us. The laughs and memories of growing up at camp are there always for me and my kids to remember.

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